Poems of Paulo Eduardo

Peace and Joy slowly coming back to my heart


A special look that can make you catch on fire…


Some people don’t believe that a simple look by someone

can make you catch you on fire...

The song by Lady Gaga says this very well

A simple look by someone you’ve never seen before

But you were waiting for, for a long time

Can make it very intriguing for you

You even get irritated and start

Thinking it’s not normal for you

But you get so overwhelmed by that look

That you wanna know what’s going on

Inside your lonely heart

You even start a “probe” into this feeling

For you to understand what’s going on

Eyes are powerful tools for you to fall in love

With someone you’ve never seen before

a simple smile or good morning with a gentle voice

can make you catch on fire and let you

start the best relationship for you ever

Someone you've been waiting for

suddenly makes your dream come true

This is the mystery of life that uses your

eyes to attract someone you already love

but you don't know yet!




Oh... this look of green eyes I love so much...


Paulo Eduardo Cardoso Pereira
Enviado por Paulo Eduardo Cardoso Pereira em 25/03/2024
Alterado em 25/03/2024

Site do Escritor criado por Recanto das Letras