Poems of Paulo Eduardo

Peace and Joy slowly coming back to my heart


Easy Lover...

This song so well sung by Phil Collins and Philip Bailey portrays it very well. Easy lovers don’t want to love you sincerely or not even have any kind of commitment to the relationship. They will love you today and forget you tomorrow. They just want to use you and get as much as they can out of you, be it financially or deplete your energy and peace. Get out of this kind of toxic relationship as fast as possible because your peace is priceless. Don’t wanna pay the price of a debt that doesn’t belong to you, a debt you did not incur. You will never be able to change her so that you both can have a healthy and long-lasting relationship. She will soon find another fool and try to make him into another “object” in her hands. She will probably end up living and dying alone, ugly, old, complaining about life and consequently putting the blame on the men she was not able to control.

As per the singers sing at some point in the lyrics:

“Better forget it, you’ll regret it"



Paulo Eduardo Cardoso Pereira
Enviado por Paulo Eduardo Cardoso Pereira em 26/03/2024
Alterado em 26/03/2024

Site do Escritor criado por Recanto das Letras