Poems of Paulo Eduardo

Peace and Joy slowly coming back to my heart


Aedes aegypt, get the fuck outta here!


You are killing again

Leaving people in despair

In all this upheaval

We can’t endure so much evil


Go sting your buddies in "aegypt"

Aedes, Praxedes

Even Guedes and Arquimedes

Give up your sting, you fucking thing!


Children playing truant from school

It’s not funny, it’s not cool

They love to play ping-pong

But they have to stay in bed all day long


Mr. Yellow Fever Mosquito, be cool

Children need to go to school

Parents need some relax

And to a normal life go back




Paulo Eduardo Cardoso Pereira
Enviado por Paulo Eduardo Cardoso Pereira em 28/03/2024
Alterado em 19/04/2024

Site do Escritor criado por Recanto das Letras